Sobota, 15.03.2025, Imieniny: Ludwika, Klemens, Longin
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Komentarze do artykułu (51)

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  1. 1
    ~ Polak.
    Czwartek, 16.02

    Lewactwo... - wcześniej myślałem, że sobie jaja robisz z tym nickiem ale teraz widzę, że jednak niepotrzebnie odstawiłeś tabletki... Co do dowodu, to Policja musi mieć taki sam motyw aby żądać dowodu, jak to jest np. przy kazaniu dmuchania kierowcy w alkomat - nie dmuchniesz to na pewno coś ci znajdzie w aucie i skończysz jazdę z mandatem itp. Podobnie z dowodem os., jak nie masz, to mają prawo zawieźć cie na komendę i w ciągu 48h. sprawdzić twoje dane - więc niech ta pani się cieszy, że jeszcze jej tyłek zawieźli do domu i nie ma to nic wspólnego z rasizmem. W Niemczech za brak dowodu przy sobie zapłaciłaby 15euro za dowóz do miejsca gdzie dokument się znajduje - nasi zwieźli ją za darmo - nie podoba się jej w Polsce - niemcy chętnie ją przyjmą.

  2. 2
    ~ ERG
    Czwartek, 16.02

    Szanowna Pani Nataszo! Już w drugim zdaniu artykułu pojawia się znaczący błąd interpunkcyjny. Więcej pokory wobec czytelników proszę.

  3. 3
    ~ Lewactwo Przyszłością Narodu
    Czwartek, 16.02

    @Polak - słodziaku-cebulaku, ustawa mówi wyraźnie o takich przypadkach: "Kontrola legalności pobytu cudzoziemca na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, zwana dalej „kontrolą”, jest przeprowadzana w przypadku powzięcia uzasadnionych podejrzeń dotyczących nielegalnego pobytu cudzoziemca na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, a także naruszenia przez cudzoziemca porządku publicznego. Przedmiotowa regulacja jest elementem strategii uwzględniającej swobodny przepływ osób, realizowany poprzez zniesienie kontroli na granicach pomiędzy państwami członkowskim Unii Europejskiej, z jednoczesnym zagwarantowaniem odpowiednich warunków w zakresie zapobiegania i zwalczania nielegalnej migracji." W przypadku tej pani nie zachodziła żadna z pow. przesłanek, oprócz oczywistego rasizmu funkcjonariuszy.

  4. 4
    ~ lol
    Czwartek, 16.02

    "tylko dlatego, że jestem samotną czarnoskórą kobietą" pewno przed ligitymowaniem sprawdzili czy to czy jest "samotna", ludzie czy wy nie widziecie tej głupoty w tej jej realacji? chce kobita zagwiazdorzyć , takie steku bzdur dawno nie słyszałem,

  5. 5
    ~ ket
    Czwartek, 16.02

    @polak: jasne, w Niemczech nawet na plaży w kapielówkach nosisz dowód. Jeszcze napisz ,że w Wlk. Brytanii też. A przy okazji, pochwal się swoją znajomością języków obcych. Siedź w domu, oglądaj prezesa albo dyrektora (i uwazaj na pasożyty i pierwotniaki ....)

  6. 6
    ~ Who do you think...
    Czwartek, 16.02

    If there was any proof needed about how challenging it has been for this woman to live in your close-minded and self-destructive city, the comments on this page sure seem sufficient. You wouldn't even know by looking at me whether I was Polish or form an English speaking country, unless you heard me try and speak Polish, and you realized it's horrible. This woman is daily, and I mean daily as I have witness such actions, shown disrespect on levels unthinkable in the year that we live in, 2017 mind you, simply based on her appearance. I was never shown such levels of hostility unless I tried to speak Polish and you citizens of Elblag sought it anti-patriotic and an encroachment on your precious, monotonous day-to-day lives. Just by looking at her she did not stand a chance with your underdeveloped ideas. You all immediately see her as something strange, new and OBVIOUSLY dangerous. Now, I am sure very few of you have even left Poland, and probably not even Elblag, so I would like to put this very plainly. As an English teacher, she did not STEAL jobs from any Polish person. She is a native speaker of English and came WILLINGLY/VOLUNTARILY to teach English, the world's language. She did this thinking that while trying to experience and immerse herself in a new culture, she could try and help teach people of all ages English to hopefully better their chances of employment and a better life. She and I were blessed to have been born with English as our first language. We did not choose that it would be the most identifiable and useful language, and we see it as a blessing, not some thing to waive over others. She ALSO speaks a different native tongue, and I Spanish. Sorry that POLISH, a language only used in Poland, is not one we are familiar with in a fluent manner. WE are no strangers to what it takes to live in another country and to abide by their rules and expectations as we BOTH have lived in other countries before and neither of us have EVER experienced and witness such BLATANT and horrific modern racism. And if you do not believe me, I challenge you to leave the comfort of your chair and the tiny city of Elblag and travel to the very far and distant city of Gdansk. Even just an hour away, you will witness what true diversity and blending of cultures REALLY looks like and how people function without such archaic mind-sets. I simply ask you put yourself in her shoes. Do you truly believe she came to Elblag, a tiny and insignificant little town JUST to file a case of racism? You TRULY believe she has enjoyed the experience and appreciates the hatred she encounters daily by citizens? I dare you to open your mind for the shortest of seconds JUST to try and reason with yourself and your laughable outlook on this matter. You consider yourselves part of the European Union, a symbol of unity and diversity, yet you truly stand years behind and embrace what that symbol attempts all to abolish. I am not saying you should be blind to the world and the happenings of terror. It is a concern and Poland should feel as though they have the total and complete right to know who and when people come into their sovereign nation. HOWEVER, why was I never asked/detained or asked by police to show my credentials as a foreigner? I tried to speak Polish many times, like her mind you, and failed, which clearly identified her and myself as foreigners. BUT, she, being black, was cornered by three unmarked "officers" and asked to go inside a car... seems logical? No. You cannot presume you understand how your border officers conduct such matters as you are not, I know it's a surprise, foreigners. I have NEVER been asked for ID in any of the other eight European Union countries I have visited and lived in. The only time it has ever happened to me was in Warsaw when two officers wanted money because me and I my friends crossed the street "too slow." Your country is riddled with corruption from the police force, like MANY eastern european countries SO before you attack and presume you understand ANYTHING of this situation, I suggest you look at her view knowing these downfalls of Poland. Like any situation there are two sides, however, this clearly is a one-sided matter of racism. Your country is beautiful, and most of the people in Gdansk and Warsaw are kind, warm and accepting. But you in Elblag will really struggle if you are ever to truly develop into a larger city capable of dealing with such matters. I hear you are to have a NATO base in Elblag? Guess what... many more people from the UK, Canada and the USA will be there AND... they may be black. I PRAY the government puts an emphasis on treating those people as people, and equals. Also, I am assuming none of you speak English... so to help you try and understand what it's like to live in another country, you will have to translate this. It's great practice in trying to understand the struggles, yet the ironic joy of what living in another country is like. Just remember... we didn't come to take away anything. We didn't come EXPECTING things to be the same. We knew things would be different and challenging. We knew we would need to learn the basics of Polish. And we have enjoyed the positives that the experience has yielded. Never have we wanted to demean or undermine the police, government or the citizens of Elblag. However your actions prove that it's time something like this happened to expose your antiquated ideals. I simply pray for growth and development of your city and I am sorry this discussion of hatred and vile ignorance came at such a cost.

  7. 7
    ~ Thats life
    Czwartek, 16.02

    Not all of us - people in Elblag are the same! I mean it. I"ve also been treated here in a horrible way, though I was born here, I"m white. Still, I"ve got my own "stigma". I could say - I hate this town, these people, but no - I don"t. Why? Not all are bed. Only these, who"re angry, violent, full of agression love to write such comments. They"re LOUD. normal people are quiet. You don"t understand Polish, because you"re not from Poland. Many Polish people feel unappreciated, they know other coutries treat us as a "worse part of Europe". That"s why some of them, the most aggresive ones like to insult others, who are different. And the smaller town is, the the poorest minds people have - if you know what I mean. But remember, not everyone is bad here!

  8. 8
    ~ ket
    Czwartek, 16.02

    @ "who do you think" : nothing more nothing less; sorry for SOME people from Elblag.

  9. 9
    ~ Lewactwo Przyszłością Narodu
    Piątek, 17.02

    And this is how few uneducated morons in uniforms and a few chauvinist morons in comments undermine the years of strenuous work of others trying to show to the world Elbląg as a place where normal people live - not anymore, we prove ourselves to be just a bunch of racist, bigot scum driven by hatred and ignorance; well done Elbląg, well done.

  10. 10
    ~ xxx
    Środa, 22.02

    Ciekawe czy w sądzie pod przysięga tez by tak klamala i oczerniala.........

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